What Is SDLC? Understand the Software Development Life Cycle

What Is SDLC

The Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) is a well-structured process that is employed by software engineers and project managers with the intention of producing quality software. It outlines the processes that are followed in systems development right from the planning phase through to implementation and sustenance phases. SDLC is a well defined structure that guarantees that each process is planned, executed and there is always room for assessment.

Thus today in the digital world SDLC has become all the more important to keep up with this fast world. The model creates a way for development teams to have control on time, cost, and resources involved in the process and avoid risks of project failures. When a business follows the proscribed SDLC model then it can ensure the timely delivery of software which will be satisfactory to the customer as well as meeting set project objectives.

Software Development Life Cycle typically consists of six main phases: This methodology can be divided into Requirement Gathering, Planning, Designing, Implementing, Testing and Maintenance. All the phases have a unique importance in the success of the project, from defining what the client wants to doing the actual maintenance of the software after its implementation.

What Is Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)?

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) therefore is a process undertaken by software developers and project managers in order to design, develop, test and deliver good quality software. It offers a systematic way of designing since it divides the entire development process into phases that contain certain guidelines and outcomes. This cycle makes it possible for teams to work through procedures as they address the needs of users in order to achieve project coherence in the construction of software solutions.

The Role of SDLCs in Discharging Systematic Software Development.

The fundamental responsibility of SDLC is to make the process of software development to be systematic orderly, and(ids could be more precise). It helps in:

Standardizing the process: Through deploying set principles and a linear approach, SDLC is able to achieve one principal goal of ensuring homogeneity within all the working teams.

Improving collaboration: Sdlc makes clear what each phase involves in terms of roles and responsibilities, which facilitates communication between developers, testers, project managers and the clients.

Tracking progress: Unlike the waterfall model SDLC splits the project into stages thus there appears an opportunity to review and evaluate the progress of the project.

Advantages of Adopting a Framework for the SDLC

Improved Quality: Well, one of the strengths of SDLC is that the project is taken through various testing and designing stages and reviewed which make it to offer the best end product.

Reduced Risks: This allows various potential risks and potential bottlenecks to be exposed as early as possible to minimize possibility of failure or going over the designated amount of money.

Cost Control: With SDLC, effective planning of resources; it will be easier to bring the project to completion or achieve the planned goal within the fixed resources.

Predictable Timelines: This structure also enables more realistic deadlines setting and shaping of work milestones to avoid prolonged periods or even failure to meet a certain deadline.

Client Satisfaction: The use of an SDLC model is useful since it guarantees that the produced software meets the clients’ expectations by incorporating feedback and constant enhancement of the software.

How does the SDLC Works?

SDLC means Software Development Life Cycle and it is a well planned procedure of developing software to achieve the high standard and worth of reliability. It offers a systematic way of developing software solutions, beginning with concept development and ending with the actual implementation and sustained support. Here's how the SDLC works through its key phases:

1. Planning

Objective: Identify a scope of the project, its goals and tasks, resources needed, costs and time of the project.

Activities: Determine possibility of the project, assess cost, define the time line and plan risk.

2. Requirements Gathering & Analysis

Objective: Identify the business and technical requirements of the project with a view of establishing its needs.

Activities: Interact with different stakeholders and write down the needed functional and non-functional requirements as well as check their compliance with the business objectives.

3. System Design

Objective: Design the solution, initially describe the system and capacity, software and hardware needs.

Activities: Develop high-level design documents, database design, users’ interfaces, and generality of the system.

4. Development (Coding)

Objective: Design into code conversion into products by developers.

Activities: Initiate the coding, check the coding through code reviews and develop unit tests. Lastly, this phase gives the key interaction of the software.

5. Testing

Objective: These are important so as to ascertain that all the software requirements are met and there are no defects.

Activities: Perform unit, integration, system and the acceptance testing with an intention of identifying the bugs, security weaknesses, and poor performance areas.

6. Deployment

Objective: Transfer the software to the production or user setting.

Activities: Install the software on production servers, set up the environment, or in other words, make the software ready for users, and offer a training session or a user manual, respectively.

7. Maintenance

Objective: Maintain on-going support, carry out here fixes and update the system.

Activities: Track the software that has been deployed, respond to feedback received from users of the software, fix issues, and make enhancements that are issued to the users.

SDLC can be implemented through different models therefore being flexible depending on the project requirements. Here’s an overview of some popular SDLC models:

Waterfall Model

The Waterfall Model is linear and formal in nature with the condition that one phase must be finished before the other starts in the Software Development Life Cycle. It has only one direction which is similar to the flow of water and this means that the process begins with requirement gathering to the maintenance.

Pros of the Waterfall Model:

Clear structure: Phases are very formalized, even in each phase there are certain deliverables specified.

Easy to manage: Specific schedules of the projects and their respective milestones are not very complicated which allow the managers to monitor them easily.

Suitable for smaller projects: Further, it is more effective when its requirements are well-defined and rigid, and its conditions do not allow much flexibility.

Cons of the Waterfall Model:

Inflexibility: Revisions are hard to implement once a phase has been done, this is because they will find it hard to set the new requirement.

Late testing: It is carried out in a later stage where errors are costly to correct hence the accumulation of errors.

Limited client feedback: This means that in terms of feedback, there is normally no time to change the development phase as feedback is usually obtained after this phase is complete hence limiting freedom for creativity.

Agile Model

The Agile Model is the model which is used when the project is divided into small units called ‘sprints.’ Agile means flexibility and constant cooperation with the customer.

Key Features of Agile:

Iterative development: Software is maintained in cycles this ensures that the users give feedback and their complaints are listened to and worked on.

Collaboration: It is effective in ensuring continuous interaction between the developers, the stakeholders and the customers.

Customer feedback: Feedback is also given to the clients so that they are involved in the process of developing the product and making necessary amendments.

Agile vs. Traditional SDLC Models:

The principle of working of both these models is quite clear; Agile is flexible and can work through changes right till the latter half of a project, whereas the traditional one known as Waterfall is rigid in the structure and follows a sequential pattern of actions.

Agile strives for collaboration with groups and frequent interactions, while maintaining structures that are based on phases require inter-phase collaboration.

Pros of the Agile Model:

Customer-centric: The feedback obtained from the clients is beneficial in the achievement of a product that suits the user.

Faster releases: Each time around a working configuration of the software can be created rapidly.

Flexibility: That means people can make modifications in the assignments and overall project requirements easily and without too much impact on the process.

Cons of the Agile Model:

Less predictability: It is also not easy to quantify time and cost particularly when working on large scale projects.

Requires high client involvement: There is a need to involve the clients in participation for the purposes of frequently receiving feedback.

Not ideal for all projects: Thereby, agile may not be applicable on projects whose scope is well defined and have stringent specifications.

DevOps Model

DevOps Model also popularly focuses on the collaboration between development and operations to have continuous delivery of the software. DevOps is an extension of Agile where it emphasises on automation, integration and the continuous delivery process.

Key Features of DevOps:

Continuous development: Continuous development and improvement is catered by the DevOps principles.

Automation: Activities such as testing, integration and deployment are orchestrated and this makes the entire process faster.

Collaboration: There is a need for more integration between the development and the operations team to minimize instances of delay.

Pros of the DevOps Model:

Faster time-to-market: Continuous integration and delivery serve as tools that let developers release the application as often as they wish.

Improved collaboration: Takes advantage of other related teams thus enhancing the flow of communication within the teams.

Higher quality: The continuous testing ensures that any bugs that are found in the applications are detected and fixed within a short span before being released.

Cons of the DevOps Model:

Complex to implement: Needs a change in the organizational culture and practices of the company to a great extent.

Not suited for small projects: DevOps has been most effective in large-scale or/and enterprise environments.

Tool dependencies: Lack of innovation and large focus on the use of automation tools and setting up the required infrastructure.

Other SDLC Models V-Model (Verification and Validation):

This model builds on the Waterfall Model by associating every development phase with a testing phase. It ensures that validation is done in parallel with the development phase thus reducing the number of bugs and increasing the rate of quality.

Spiral Model: An amalgamation of the iterative development process with the risk evaluation procedure is done here. Each loop in the spiral outlines a stage in the project, right from risk assessment and going up to risk, mitigation and delivery of the final product. It is applicable where there is a large scale and high risk involved in the projects but its management may involve lots of complications.

RAD (Rapid Application Development): On RAD, there is more emphasis put on the prototyping and feedback rather than following plans. It enables developers to rapidly prototype with and iterate on software using such components shared and enabling customers’ feedback to be incorporated simultaneously. I conclude that RAD is appropriate for development projects that need to be completed quickly and efficiently; however, it is not effective for large and complicated projects.

All the SDLC models apply to various projects and organisational needs. Knowledge of these models enables one to select the most appropriate model that should be adopted depending on the nature of the project in terms of scope, team and duration.

Why SDLC Matters for Businesses?

The software development life cycle simply referred to as SDLC is invaluable to any software development project as it has numerous advantages that make it very important to businesses of all kinds. Here’s why SDLC matters:

1. Ensures High-Quality Software Products

The following SDLC model helps businesses to achieve the best results in planning, designing, implementing, testing and maintaining of software. All the stages including the requirement gathering, design, coding and testing phases are aimed at identifying errors, verifying functionality and improving on the product. This systematic approach results in software that:

  • Meets customer requirements
  • Celebration of the event provides a good account of the vehicle’s ability to perform to the best of its capabilities under different circumstances.
  • Today there is special attention to applications that are scalable and maintainable over the time.
  • Reduces the chances of possessing bugs and various technical problems.

Since quality check is incorporated in the entire cycle, the possibility of delivering half-baked services is eliminated.

2. Assists Achieving Set Schedules and Costs

Sdlc helps arrive at definite time frames and products deliverables at each stage of its development. This allows project managers to:

  • The next factor involves a proper estimation of the cost through the provision of a proper breakdown and definition of resources needed and the respective phases of project progress.
  • This should include proper time management in that proper dates should be set for every stage that the development team will be involved in.
  • Document their progress and my response and change when there are instances that I go off track.

Therefore, when all these factors are put into consideration properly by the management of the business, time and again the business is able to produce the product on time and well within the stipulated budget.

3. Decreases Threats and Eliminates the Possibility of Failure in a Project

However, SDLC's fundamental strength is that it helps to avoid possible risks and project failures. By breaking the development process into distinct phases, teams can:

  • This is because some perhaps key characteristics that are missing or the goals that are not well aligned may be obvious right from the start.
  • Carry out risk assessments during each stage where technical or operational challenges would imply the need for such practice.
  • Perform periodic experimental testing and validation of the software to make certain that it provides value to the client and provides the appropriate execution.

This helps to avoid huge disasters in case of finding major problems which could lead to complete project failure.

4. Promotes understanding between the stakeholders and the development teams concerning different aspects.

SDLC offers a proper roadmap under which communication is done so that all the people related to that project have a similar level of understanding. With documented requirements, project goals, and timelines, it fosters better: With documented requirements, project goals, and timelines, it fosters better:

  • Coordination between the development teams and the project managers as well as the project stakeholders.
  • Penetrable openness regarding goals and performance as well as awareness of how it is developing.
  • Client involvement and use of feedback sessions and feedback in form of updates will be employed.
  • The Outline reduces misunderstanding, implementation of additional plan components not discussed beforehand, andsets easier clients’ desires, which improves project completion and clients’ satisfaction.

Conclusively, SDLC carried out in any business is crucial since it enhances the qualities of the produced software products and checks for time congestion, excessive spending, and risk probabilities of a project before it is implemented. Due to better cooperation, the business environment encourages the communication that leads to the provision of software that fulfills all necessary requirements.

How to Choose the Right SDLC Model for Your Project

Choosing the right model of SDLC is important in the success of a software development project. The selection depends on the number of endeavors or size of the venture that is to be tackled, the amount of money that is available, and the time span that is likely to be used in the completion of the project. Below are factors to look at and examples of those SDLC models that are most appropriate to be adopted in given contexts.

Key Aspects to Take Into Consideration When Selecting an SDLC Model

1. Project Size

Small projects: Simpler models such as the Waterfall or the V Model may therefore be suitable for smaller projects that do not have complex requirements because such models are linear and easy to predict.

Large, complex projects: It is therefore easier for large scale projects to embrace flexible processes such as frequent iterations. It can be recommended to use different models like Agile or the like, or the Spiral model that are more equipped to deal with the construction of such complex projects thanks to applying feedback and changes in the middle of the process.

2. Project Complexity

Low complexity: However if the project requirements are well defined and unlikely to change over the course of the undertaking then the Waterfall Model gives a straightforward process from initiation through to end.

High complexity: In case of the projects, where adjustments are frequently needed or feedbacks become necessary, an Agile or RAD (Rapid Application Development) methodology proves to be efficient.

3. Budget Constraints

Limited budget: Hence; if for instance the change is minimal then fixed and linear models such as a Waterfall or a V-Model can be very effective insofar as costs are kept within a specific range.

Flexible budget: Those teams and projects with a less rigid budget constraint might find solutions suiting them better in methodologies such as the Agile and/or DevOps where the budgets can be tested and adapted on a regular basis. However, these may need more resources especially because they are continuously developed and are collaborative.

4. Timeline

Strict deadlines: The most effective use of the Waterfall methodology can be observed in cases if the project has tight time constraints and the scope of the project is rather limited. Nevertheless, if such changes take place, it becomes quite probable that the timeline has to be adjusted to meet the due date.

Flexible deadlines: If the time-line is not ‘frozen’ and can be modified over and over again, Agile or Spiral are more suitable where changes may be looming.


As a result of the fast pace in the usage of technology across organizations today, SDLC plays a vital role in the development of software products that realize organizational objectives and customers’ expectations. Thus, SDLC allows the teams to organize the work on complex projects effectively by minimizing the risks, controlling the costs and meeting the time limits.

Choosing an adequate SDLC model enables a business to establish procedural control over the development process, improve the communication between the project stakeholders, and make rational decisions in each phase of the project. It is important that you ensure your project is tied to the right SDLC model whether it is Waterfall, Agile, DevOps or any other.

In the last analysis, all software projects depend on the organization’s goals and objectives and how integrated the adopted SDLC is to them. Organized business strategy, proper formulation of implementation schedules and flexibility of management make it possible for organizations to guarantee that their software appliances fit the relevant functional specifications as well as evolving organizational goals and objectives.

About GetWidget

GetWidget is the leading software company in Bangalore and our focus is on offering high-quality digital products and services for business success. The organization’s mission is to be a technological firm that focuses on developing outstanding software solutions to help its clients.

Who We Are

GetWidget was born with the idea of changing the software industry and stands tall with technology leadership. Our team of developers and designers with project managers has many years of experience in creating online products and services with enthusiasm. We specialize in providing a wide range of software services, including:

Custom Software Development: Affordable services plan that will fit into your business needs and requirements.

Mobile App Development: Developing effective and easily accessible apps on both Apple's iOS and GOOGLE’s Android.

Web Development: Consider effective and agile solutions for your web whether it is for business or personal purposes.

AI Solutions: Adopting AI to enhance the decision-making process and make the operations more effective.

Node. js Development: The ability to design and build high and scalable backend solutions.

React Native Development: Building distributed applications for multiple platforms with the native UI.