How to Design and Show Flutter Toast Message With Example

You can create a custom Flutter toast message with lots of variants like Rounder toaster, Full-width Custom toaster message step by step with example code.

Flutter Toaster Widget

Flutter Toast is a simple widget that is displayed on the screen to show some particular messages and remains for a short period of time and then disappears on its own after a few seconds. It is useful to show some error messages or any popups to the user. In another word, Flutter Toast Widget allows building an additional action event in your application that allows users to get a specific message for a particular interval of time to get an alert with an additional message without blocking the user interaction.

So, Are you ready to develop some awesome Flutter Toast widgets for your apps? Let’s build some Toast widget that helps to increase user experience with your application. Here I am going to use an open-source UI Library known as GetWidget to build this widget. Here is a short introduction about the GetWidget Flutter Toaster widget and why I am using this.

GF Flutter Toaster Widget:

GetWidget Toast is a Flutter Toaster widget that is used to display quick warning or error messages on the screen and it disappears on its own or stays according to the user’s requirement. It is helpful to show any kind of message with the customization options of the toasts to the user. As it is highly customizable it can be widely used throughout the application wherever needed. It can be displayed in any position throughout the screen using the position properties.

Thus GF Toast has a number of options and can be used widely.

Flutter Toast Types

Auto Dismissable Flutter Toaster

As the name says, the toast will be dismissed after a certain given number of seconds. It can be controlled by the user and depends on how much time the user gives it to stay on the screen, after the time it disappears on its own.

Flutter Basic Toaster

Basic toast is a simple toast that stays on the screen and with the click of a button it disappears. It can also be used as auto dismiss toast by making autoDismiss property to true.

Flutter Rounded Toaster

Rounded toast is the same as basic toast but has rounded edges around the toast and makes it look better for the user to see.

Flutter Full-Width Toaster

Full-Width Toast will take the maximum and full width of the screen to print the error messages and the toast will look in full width according to the mobile screen.

How to Start:

Now, here is the guide about how we should you can start developing Flutter Toast Widget with the help of GetWidget UI Library.

First, Let go with Getwidget Flutter Docs, It will guide you on how to start building a beautiful flutter application UI with the GetWidget UI library. Now, we have to install the GetWidget package from the, To import the package in your Flutter project follow the below guide.

Install Package from : – Check the details about GetWidget Package.

Import full package:

import ‘package:getwidget/getwidget.dart’;

Note: dependencies: getwidget: ^4.0.0

Keep playing with the pre-built UI components.

Example of how to start and use the GFToast Widget:

GFToast should be wrapped inside the GF Flutter Floating Widget. The child of the GFFloating Widget takes GFToast as its argument and the body takes any kind of widgets.

The simple example code for Flutter Toast

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';
 return Scaffold(
     text: 'This item already has the label “travel”',
   body:Text('body or any kind of widget here..')
Flutter Toast basic example with GFToast

Example of Auto Dismissable toast

The bool value true should be passed to autoDismiss property to make the toast, auto dismissible,

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';
  text: 'This item already has the label “travel”',
  autoDismiss: true,
Flutter auto dismiss toaster

Example of basic toast with a button in it

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';
  text:'This item already has the label “travel”',
  button: GFButton(
     onPressed: () {},
     text: 'Close',
     type: GFButtonType.transparent,
     color: GFColor.success,
   autoDismiss: false,
Flutter Toast With button Example Code 

Example of rounded toast with a button in it

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';
   text: 'Paired Succesfully !',
   button: GFButton(
       onPressed: () {},
       text: 'OK',
       type: GFButtonType.transparent,
        color: GFColors.SUCCESS,
      type: GFToastType.rounded,
      autoDismiss: false,
       alignment: Alignment.topLeft,
Flutter Rounded Toast example Code 

Replace the type to GFToastType.fullWidth to get the fullWidth toast

How to set Position in Toaster widget

Toasts can be positioned accordingly inside the GFFloating Widget. The positioning takes two parameters ie, horizontalPosition and verticalPosition. The usage of these is shown below.

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';
    text: 'Logged In',
 body:Text('body or any kind of widget here..')
Flutter Toast position Code example

The look and feel of the GFToast can be altered according to the need that has customization options shown below.

texttext of type [String] display on toast
backgroundColordefines the background color of the toast
textStyledefines the test style of the toast text
toastBorderRadiusdefines the border radius of the toast
borderdefines the border of the toast
toastPositiondefines the position of toast over the screen
toastDurationdefines the duration of time toast display over screen
trailingdefines the trailing widget of the toast

Check out more details about Flutter Toast Widget more details and custom properties on below:

GF Toast – A Flutter Toast Widget
GFToast can be used to display quick warning or error messages.

How to create Custom Flutter Toaster with GFToast?

GF Flutter Basic Toast is the default and simple GFToast that remains on the screen for a given interval of time and with the click of the button, it leaves the screen. To make the toast disappear on its own with a certain time interval, the autoDismiss property should be used.

The example code for the GFToast is as follows.

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';
 return Scaffold(
     text: 'Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit.',
   body:Text('body or any kind of widget here..')
Basic GFToast Widget

Now we will see the code with a button in it. How can the user make use of the buttons to close the toast with help of the action button?

The below example code is with the buttons for user-friendly toasts.

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';
  text:'Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit',
  button: GFButton(
     onPressed: () {},
     text: 'Close',
     type: GFButtonType.transparent,
     color: GFColor.success,
   autoDismiss: false,

How to Create Flutter Round Toaster with example code?

Rounded Toast is also a simple GFToast that is the same as basic toast that remains on the screen for a given amount of time and then disappears when the user performs the required action but has rounded edges around the toast and makes it look better for the user to see.

The below code gives a Flutter Rounded Toast that has rounded edges around the toast.

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';
   text: 'Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit',
   button: GFButton(
       onPressed: () {},
       text: 'OK',
       type: GFButtonType.transparent,
        color: GFColors.DANGER,
      type: GFToastType.rounded,
      autoDismiss: false,
       alignment: Alignment.topLeft,

How to Create Fullwidth Flutter Toaster with Example code

Full-Width Toast is one kind of GFToast and it does the same work as basic and rounded toasts but the difference is that it will take the maximum and full width of the screen to print the error messages and the toast will look in full width according to the mobile screen.

The below code gives a Fullwidth Toast that takes the maximum and full width of the screen.

import 'package:getwidget/getwidget.dart';
   text: 'Neque porro quisquam est qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit',
   button: GFButton(
       onPressed: () {},
       text: 'OK',
       type: GFButtonType.transparent,
        color: GFColors.WARNING,
      type: GFToastType.fullWidth,
      autoDismiss: false,
       alignment: Alignment.topLeft,

GFToast has more customization options and properties. To view them and use them in your application head to the official GFToast documentation.

Without using autoDismiss property can we dismiss the toast?

Yes, by default autoDismiss property is set to true, if autoDismiss is not required then set it to false.

Can we change the width of the toast accordingly?

Yes, we can change the width by using the width property.

Does Flutter Toast Widget support for Web?

Yes, But for the web, it is in the beta phase I suggest you not use it in production until Flutter does not release the stable version for Flutter Web.

Is This Flutter Toast Widget customizable?

Yes, It is fully customizable, So you can customize it as per your Flutter application requirements.

GFToast has more customization options and properties. To view them and use them in your application head to the official Getwidget Flutter Docs.

Flutter Get Widget Docs

Flutter GetWidget Docs
Get Widget is one of the largest Flutter open-source UI Kit libraries for mobile or web apps. It has more than 1000+ pre-built reusable widgets.

GitHub Repository: Please do appreciate our work through Github start

Also Read: Top 10 Best Flutter Toast Widgets List


Here we discuss, what Flutter Toast Widget is? And how we can use and implement it into our Flutter app through the GetWidget Toast component. Here, there are options to customize and use other types of toasts and to position the toast wherever needed on the screen.

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